Investment Advisory Services
Whether you are focused on wealth management, fiduciary responsibility, planned giving or retirement planning, the first step in investment advising is understanding your personal and professional needs and desires and assessing your financial strength by completing a comprehensive analysis of your investments, real estate, and other holdings of value. We project income to expenses then project future asset levels making suggestions for initial investments and changes when needed.
Worcester Advisors actively invests your portfolio, developing a diversified list of high quality stocks, which evidence strong growth and / or dividends, trading at a discount to historic price levels. Automated systems allow us to evaluate data from a number of perspectives in order to efficiently assess portfolio and individual holding performance and trigger for changes as appropriate. In addition to stocks, we purchase high quality bonds at an average maturity that is expected to provide the greatest return determined by our interest rate forecast.
We use periodic review meetings not only to ensure that our understanding of your financial needs remains current, but also to create a shared understanding of changing economic conditions so that you can feel well equipped to participate in the decisions that affect your future. Our comprehensive reports measure results versus benchmarks, provides a rationale for changes and offers a market forecast of expectations for investment performance
Trust Services
Many long term clients have asked us to act as Trustee or Executor when structuring plans that provide inter-generational family solutions or achieve tax reduction. We are proficient in fiduciary administration, tax preparation, and probate practice.
Tax Preparation
Worcester Advisors offers income and estate tax preparation as a service to our clients.
Cash Management Services
Cash Management is available for those who for a variety of reasons such as travel, demanding work, age or inability desire that we pay their bills forecast expenses and cash levels.